Branding and Positioning
Lead Designer
Motion Design

Manager: Rodrigo Cipriano
Project Lead: Rafael Viana
Designers: Victor Portella and I
3D: Victor Portella
Motion Designer: Marcela Ayres, Karina Lopes and I


Presented by Fernanda Gentil, ZIG ZAG ARENA is a game show based on childrens play that were adapted for the program. In each edition, two teams face each other in three phases: Pique Pega, MegaBall and Tudo ou Nada. The players were accompanied by professional judges, who guided the teams and supervised the rules of the game. In the end, the team that accumulates the most points will be the winner of the week. And as in the world of sports, matches were narrated and commented on by Everaldo Marques, Hortência and Marco Luque.


Because of COVID-19, the show couldn't be aired with a live audience. We took this as an opportunity to record all 18 episodes in a short period of time, latter airing one per week, and gained a post-proction phase, which live events don't have.

I was the sole Graphic Designer and Motion Designer of this project until its post-production phase. Parallel to me in this begining was our 3D Designer, making the main titles and plotting the scenography.


Rejected Look and Feel
While not being chosen, these proposal helped shape the overall layout and function of the LED screens, almost as an exercise in UX. 

As the game rules were still being defined, the schematics of the screens helped in the decision process of how the game would be played. 

Post production

Overall, more than 80 deiverables were made for each program during this phase. As we had to turn in 2 episodes per week, we needed to optimize our workflow and expressions and automation became our best friends and saviors. 

I'm an expression enthusiast, so I took on this role gladly. Besides using expressions to facilitate our work, most functions were linked to Essential Graphics, allowing anyone to edit them.